How Can We Help?
We are now offering what we will be calling our Community Leader Discount. This Discount is for anyone World Wide that can prove to us that they are taking charge in there community. What we mean by this is anyone who is giving back to there Community or our Country. You could be a Fireman/Ex-Fireman or someone that is running a non-profit for the homeless. If we can get behind what you are doing for your Community we would like to help you how we can.
Yes this is a simple challenge for anyone out there. You want a discount on your order? Then show us what good things you are doing to help others in need right now. You do not need to be spending money, it could be something as simple as helping an elderly neighbor fix some things around there house. Prove to us that you care about your fellow Human Being and we will help you.
This Discount will be at the minimum of 15%. To get this discount please email us at [email protected]