THC-O is also known as THC-O acetate. It is a unnatural hemp derivative. With THC-0 being approximately three times more potent than THC, and according to anecdotal evidence suggests its highly psychoactive.Some call it a psychedelic cannabinoid because it can cause hallucinatory effects in those who consume it, at the same time we would like it to be known some consumers have reported seizures and vomiting.
The synthesis of THC-0 uses toxic chemicals that aren’t available to the general public, are highly regulated and need special equipment because of the hazardous chemicals involved.
We at Canna Genetics Bank suggest those who are going to consume THC-0 find a brand that releases testing results that can be verified with the lab, especially if your using cannabis for medicinal reasons or your already have health issues.
Hexahydrocannabinol is a hemp derivative that contains a hydrogen compound that THC lacks. HHC is another unnatural cannabinoid. There is a lack of transparency amongst the few companies producing HHC products. There is not enough information on health risks if any.We at Canna Genetics Bank cannot suggest to anyone using this form of cannabinoid. Until further research has been done as well as further transparency on the production process, chemicals used etc… we suggest to wait using these products.
Delta-8 THC
Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive cannabis compound. It has milder but similar effects on the body compared to delta9. Delta8 provides pain and nausea relief, soothes insomnia, and
reduces anxiety. It also causes happy feelings and euphoria.
Delta -8 THC maybe a much better alternative for those who are new to cannabis, those who do not like to get too high, or those looking to supplement with a weaker product for day time use.
Bottom Line
You as a human must take personal responsibility for the products you consume. Especially those products that have a lack of research to back there claims. We fully understand the eagerness to want to try some of these newer products. Please when you begin consuming unnatural compounds with no long term health assessments or any other research that allows the consumer to understand the benefits and risks you must proceed with full caution.